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10th Infantry Division
Mountain Division

(Page 1 - Division History / Headquarters & Division Troops)
Looking for more information from military/civilian personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me.


13th Anniversary (1956)


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Division History

Big Picture Report #15: 10th Inf Div unfurls flag at Wuerzburg, 1955 (starts at 0:55 - YouTube)
  10th MP Company personnel replace the 1st Inf Div insignia with that of the 10th on the Emery Barracks sign, 1955. Emery Barracks in Wuerzburg was the home station for Hq 10th Inf Div and several other 10th Division units.

A scene from the Big Picture Report #15 (see above)

Division Organization

Location of 10th Inf Div units and stations, 1956 (Walter Elkins)
Click on the graphic to view a higher res version of the map
If you have additional information/corrections, contact the webmaster - see email link at top of page

(Source: The 10th Division News, August 10, 1956)
Hq/Hq Co, 10th Inf Div Emery Bks Würzburg
10th QM Co Hindenburg Ksn Würzburg
710th Ord Bn Flak Ksn Kitzingen
10th MP Co Emery Bks Würzburg
10th Repl Co Emery Bks Würzburg
10th Sig Co Hindenburg Ksn Würzburg
85th Inf Regt Warner Bks Bamberg arrived in Nov 1955
86th Inf Regt Ledward Bks Schweinfurt
87th Inf Regt Smith Bks Aschaffenburg regimental units spread out over several posts
Hq/Hq Btry, 10th Div Arty Leighton Bks Würzburg
25th FA Bn Warner Bks Bamberg supports the 85th Inf Regt
35th FA Bn Conn Bks Schweinfurt supports the 86th Inf Regt
40th FA Bn Ready Bks Aschaffenburg supports the 87th Inf Regt
85th FA Bn Flak Ksn Kitzingen 155mm howitzers; general support
43rd AAA Bn Ferris Bks Erlangen
62nd Tank Bn Harvey Bks Kitzingen
10th Recon Co Harvey Bks Kitzingen
41st Engr Cbt Bn Flak Ksn Kitzingen
10rd Med Bn Flak Ksn Kitzingen
49th Trans Bn Leighton Bks Würzburg attached to 10th Div
42nd Inf Scout Dog Pltn Warner Bks Bamberg attached to 10th Div

Division Artillery, 1957

85th Inf Regt
Pocket Patch

86th Inf Regt
Pocket Patch

87th Inf Regt
Pocket Patch

10th DivArty
Pocket Patch

25th FA Bn
Pocket Patch

35th FA Bn
Pocket Patch

40th FA Bn
Pocket Patch

85th FA Bn
Pocket Patch

43rd AAA Bn
Pocket Patch

10th DivArty Air Sec
Pocket Patch

Division Newspapers

The 10th Division News, August 10, 1956 - PDF (10 MB)
Click on image to view the entire issue in a separate window

1957 Yearbook
(Source: The 10th Infantry Division 1957)
In the near future I will post some of the photos that appeared in the 1957 Yearbook of the 10th Infantry Division.

10th ID Kasernes


1. Aerial view of DivArty airfield near Würzburg, 1957

10th Infantry Division Troops

710th Ordnance Maintenance Battalion

62nd Tank Bn

41st Engineer (Cbt) Bn

10th Medical Bn

49th Transportation Truck Bn

. . . .

49th Transportation Battalion
49th Transportation Truck Bn DUI
(Source: US Army Center of Military History)
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 49th Transporation Battalion was activated on 5 December, 1955 in Germany.

It was reorganized and redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Transporation Battalion, on 20 February 1959.

It was reorganized and redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Transporation Group, on 25 July 1963.

It was reorganized and redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 49th Transporation Center, on 25 May 1965.

It was inactivated on 1 March 1968 in Germany.

49th Trans Bn Pocket Patch
The 49th Trans Trk Bn was stationed in Würzburg from 1955 to 1958 and attached, initially, to the 10th Inf Div and later to the 3rd Infantry Divsion. Sometime in late 1958 or early 1959, the 49th Bn was moved to Mannheim (Funari Bks?) and reorganized as a Movement Control Battalion.

The 88th Trans Co was one of the subordinate units of the 49th in March 1958.

(Source: Email from William "Bill" Snyder)
I am an alumni from the 49th Transportation Battalion.

The 49th Trans Bn was located at Fort Eustis, Va in 1955. Lt Col Hazel was the CO.

It consisted of a Hq Co and 4 Light Truck Companies - the 15th, 16th and 2 others, don't remember the numbers.

Some time in 1955, after SAGEBRUSH maneuvers in Louisiana, we were alerted that we would be going to Germany under Gyroscope.

The Battalion shipped out from Brooklyn Army Terminal on the USS Randall for Germany.

Arriving in Bremerhaven, we went by train to our new home stations, dropping units in Aschaffenburg (one company), Hq in Wurzburg, two companies in Schweinfurt, and the 15th in Bamberg.

Shortly afterwards, I was transferred to Bn Hqs. We were billeted in Leighton Bks and Hq was in Faulenberg Kaserne.

After a month or so, Hq was moved to Emery Bks and we were billeted on one floor of a barracks.

Emery at that time had an Engineer Bn, QM Battalion, Medical Detachment and one other unit from the 10th Inf Div.

The 10th Division was later sent (Gyroscope) to Ft Benning and the 3rd Infantry Division took over.

Our Hq was in one end of a building with Division Trains (Bldg #315).

In December 1959, the Bn was deactivated and the Personnel Section was assigned to 3rd Admin Co in Leighton Bks.

I rotated back to CONUS in December. End of my first Tour in Germany. Don't remember anything about the 3rd Admin Co as I was only there for 2 weeks, spending most of the time processing out and in the Club.

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